Sailing a campaign for the Olympics is the culmination of a lifetime of sailing.  In a sport that is not inexpensive (to say the least), spending more than half of my live sailing competitively has been an awesome experience and has taught me still unknown number of life lessons.

I have competed in many countries around the world, and have made friends that I will continue to see and cherish for my entire lifetime.  This upcoming experience of sailing on a large worldwide circuit will surely give me opportunities to make even more friends and will help me to grow and learn even more about sailing, competition and living life as a positive minded individual!  But none of this would be possible without the support of my family.

My Dad has spent the last several years travelling with me and paying the expenses of my competitive career.  To enable him to do this, he sold his company and decided to work full-time as a professional sailing photographer.  I know most (if not all) of you know his work through his company, Boatyard Photography.  Buy photos from

He has captured most of the Olympic athletes in our sport as they train and develop over the quad, and has helped to support most of their efforts to become the best of the best.  He has also taken some amazing photographs of me in my Optimist, 420, 29er, F16 and F18 both training and competing over the years.

Just walk into our Winter house in Florida and you will see his work hanging on our walls all over the house.  People always come in and are marveled by his sunrise shots from locations around the world.

My dad will always be one of my biggest supporters and I will never be able to tell the extent that I am forever grateful for his support and encouragement of my sailing and my decisions to continually challenge myself with increased levels of competition.

If you are a sailor or are involved with planning a regatta, please call Dave Hein at Boatyard Photography 561-206-4346 and book him to shoot you or your event.  You will receive some of the most amazing photography you will ever own!  Your support of him means a lot to me!

As you look through the posts on my site, most (if not all) of the images I use are from  If you look at any of the blogs of Olympians from 2012 in London, you will most likely see many of his shots on their sites as well.  In fact, many of the Gold Medalists have shots of the beginning of their campaign right up to the Games from my dad!

Thanks Dad, I love you!.

Did you know that you can be the title sponsor of my campaign for the training and competition of a single event?  Learn how you can help me win the Gold medal in Rio!